BAGT is a collection of 100 Bored Ape Glitch NFTs, GIFs that are part of a unique digital collection living on the Polygon blockchain.
Our first 10 buyers will receive 10 exclusive Bored Ape Glitch and will benefit from many advantages for having believed in our project.
Bored Ape Glitch Team offers you the possibility of having reduction percentages on the purchase of your next NFT as well as being part of a minority of 90 people to have access to gifts every month to be able to try to win prizes. High value NFTs.
Future advantages can be unlocked and developed by the community (project to win cars, watches or even access to new projects with very interesting advances.)
Buying a Bored Ape Glitch costs 0.02 ETH. There are no price tiers.
BAGT membership costs the same for everyone.
Notes: 10 Ape Glitch are removed from sale and will be offered to the first 10 owner of our collection
Exit from the collection